Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Episode 38 - Brightwater explains

Harry gave Jennifer a glare.  “So, it’s not Joe you’re having an affair with, it’s Jeremy Brightwater.”
“No, neither of them, despite how it looks.”
“You said you were with him half the night.”
“I cannot control what you might infer from that, but it is not what you think.  I asked him to come with me to see Al when Al called, and try and talk some sense into him.”
Harry didn’t know what to think.  He turned to Brightwater.  “Al was testifying against you, so it would be in your best interests to make sure he didn’t.”
“Why would I kill him, and add murder to charges that can easily be explained away.  The Jones brothers killed each other because of their insane jealousy.”
It was a story that fitted the facts as Harry knew them, but it was too convenient.  Brightwater had the opportunity and the motive.  He was not sure about the means yet, but he knew where the gun was, perhaps the murder weapon.
Brightwater’s hand, holding the seat top as he turned was gloved.  Ok, Harry thought, perhaps no fingerprints on the murder weapon, but another tick in the guilty box.
“You said the embezzlement was easily explained.”  Harry went back over the conversation, looking for .... what?
“Al tried to frame me.  It was particularly crude.”
“And why would he do that?”
“Because he was extremely angry when he discovered Cathy was my daughter not his, and when he found out he killed her.”
Harry looked at Jennifer.
“Not my finest moment, but it’s true.  Both Jeremy and Al found out at the same time.  Al took it very badly.  He should have gone to jail and if he stayed there, none of this would have happened.”
“Is she still alive?” Harry asked Brightwater.
“Impossible.  I saw her die.  I was with her when she drew her last breath, stayed with her till they took her to the morgue.”
Unless, of course, he was lying.  To me, and to Jennifer.
“I suggest you talk to Inspector Sykes before he finds you.  Both of you.  Drop me at my car. I think I’ve had enough for one day.”

© Charles Heath 2016-2019

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